Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Top 20 Star Wars Moments (15-11)

Only one day before The Force Awakens opens in theatres. I will continue the top twenty moments from the quintessential sci-fi franchise of Star Wars. But only this time, will include the lightsaber duels deemed the best aspect of the film series as they provide much of the action choreography.

Those of you who missed part one (click here) if you know that the first picks are good for you.

#15. Anakin vs Obi-Wan/Yoda vs. Palpatine (Revenge of the Sith)

Many will conclude that these two lightsaber battles have merged into one ultimate fight scene in Star Wars. Two duels are happening in two worlds that show Anakin facing his former master, Obi-Wan on the fiery planet of Mustafar. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Yoda duels with the ultimate Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, known as Palpatine. The two Jedi Masters are now dealing with two of their common enemies of the Sith in an epic battle pitting good against evil. The outcome of these battles is that Palpatine defeated Yoda while Obi-Wan triumphed over Anakin. Many fans will be immersed in the long ongoing action between Obi-Wan and Anakin in the volcanic world while this scene transitions to Yoda and Palpatine fighting in the Senate. If only a few lines of silly dialogue would get changed, for instance, "From my point of view, the Jedi were evil," which wouldn't have affected this climactic sequence.

#14. Order 66 (Revenge of the Sith)

REVENGE OF THE SITH is the only saving grace of the irredeemable prequel trilogy, the darkest among the Star Wars movies and way darker than The Empire Strikes Back. But this depressing moment of the film starts with Anakin marching to the steps of the Jedi Temple with his 501st legion of clone troopers. Then, a clone is contacted by Palpatine, who plays both sides of the war and orders him and his fellow clone troopers to wipe out their Jedi superiors as Palpatine's plans have come to fruition. It creates a montage where each Jedi throughout the galaxy is butchered by their clone troopers, resulting in their near-permanent extinction. Even those in Coruscant get killed as a result of that order. Luckily, both Obi-Wan and Yoda managed to survive their soon-to-be massacre, and this moment proves how Palpatine was willing to have the Jedi eradicated and sow the seeds in his new Galactic Empire to abolish the old Republic.

#13. Speeder Bike Chase (Return of the Jedi)

In another brilliant effects scene of the Star Wars franchise, the speeder bike pursuit is one of those highlights that were to die for in RETURN OF THE JEDI. Initially, I'd be thinking about adding the Battle of Endor on this rank, but I've decided for this particular moment instead. It features Luke and Leia chasing a scout trooper on a speeder bike. And this causes the other Imperials to follow them. It causes a tag-along in the immediate pursuit, and the action soon follows. This incredible scene had happened before all the cuteness of the Ewoks began to appear.

#12. Anakin and Palpatine at the Opera House (Revenge of the Sith)

REVENGE OF THE SITH has some of the best acting performances from Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor. This scene is no exception. Hayden Christensen is still Anakin, but his acting has improved after being featured in Shattered Glass. This scene shows when Anakin meets with Chancellor Palpatine in the opera house after reluctantly being sent by the Jedi Knights to spy on him. The latter tells him about the Jedi and the Sith from their perspectives and a Sith Lord who uses his power to save his loved ones from death. This temptation will lead Anakin to join the dark side to keep Padme from dying.

#11. Frozen in Carbonite (The Empire Strikes Back)

In the Star Wars movies, there are heartbreaking moments in each chapter. For this case on THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, I've included the one where our favourite hero, Han Solo, is about to face his doom in the Carbonite freezing chamber. Many people will cry a lot for this character to accept his fate, and if that isn't giving you tears enough, how about this small scene when Leia says to Han, "I love you," and then Han says to her back, "I know." See Lucas, that is how a beautiful line of dialogue gets written or improvised. Not to mention Harrison Ford, the actor you hired to portray Han, is responsible for this take of dialogue! I won't forget how Han Solo is essential to the movie because of this scene. Fortunately, this character was brought back three years later in Return of the Jedi.

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