Here we are in another post from me as Rad Dingo. It is the last part of the top evildoers shown to have no remorse and could do those monstrously bad things that made us hate them. So these are the final three that will end at the top spot of the list, and if you haven't known any of these film villains, prepare for a shocking surprise of evil treachery.
#3. Scar (The Lion King)
#2. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
And finally, the best movie
villain of all time, who
is also the best character
in Star Wars..., is Darth
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Not all villains are in live-action
movies. Some are even in
movies. Some are even in
animated features. When it
comes to family members
plotting against their relatives,
Scar is at the forefront. This
vain, cunning, deceptive,
comes to family members
plotting against their relatives,
Scar is at the forefront. This
vain, cunning, deceptive,
and power-hungry lion has
committed many atrocities.
committed many atrocities.
His evil acts include murdering
his brother Mufasa so he can
become king and deceiving his
nephew, etc. Unlike the other
Disney villain, Maleficent, who
has no intentions of obtaining
power through stealing one's
right to rule, Scar does whatever
he can to fulfil these ambitions.
English actor Jeremy Irons gave a terrifying, ghastly voice to this ferocious feline, and Scar is just one of the few Disney villains that get away with their plans until they get their deserts.
#2. The Joker (The Dark Knight)
One of Batman's greatest
enemies, The Joker, is an
insane psychopathic
clown who murders people
and plans to plunge Gotham
City into anarchy. Unlike the
comic's origins, this
murderous mastermind
hasn't had his whole skin
bleached by toxic chemicals.
He's shown to be wearing
makeup and having scars
comic's origins, this
murderous mastermind
hasn't had his whole skin
bleached by toxic chemicals.
He's shown to be wearing
makeup and having scars
on parts of his mouth to
match the character's twisted grin. He has no redemption, as he has zero empathy. This definitive portrayal of the character was disturbing and dark, with the acting of the late Heath Ledger. It is one of the last roles he performed, and what a massive role for him to have as a swan song. Ledger received an Oscar win posthumously, and I might keep this version on the list instead of other interpretations of the Joker.
And finally, the best movie
villain of all time, who
is also the best character
in Star Wars..., is Darth
Vader. He is Luke's
estranged father, which
is one of the biggest
twists of all time and
makes him a compelling
villain. This dark lord's
evil deeds included
exterminating the Jedi, like
the younglings, force-choking
minor Imperial officers to death for failure and incompetence, and inflicting torture on Han Solo and others. Vader wears a special suit and helmet that keep him alive and breathing. Because of a fight with his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, causing him to sustain burns from lava on Mustafar, he gets mechanical limbs that turn him more machine than man. Darth Vader is not only the greatest of all the film adversaries but someone you don't want to tick off and doesn't accept any apologies.
Can't agree more with your top pick! Darth Vader is the best; no question.
ReplyDeleteThe Joker also makes my Top 3; Ledger's performance is legendary.
It has been years since I watched the Lion King, so I can't say much about that.