Monday, January 22, 2018

Caddyshack Review


Release Date: 21st August 1980 - Australia

Production Companies
Orion Pictures 

Genre: Comedy

Rating: M (Not Suitable for Young Children)

Runtime: 94 minutes

Budget: $6,000,000

Box Office Gross: $39,846,344 (USA)

Plot Summary
Danny Noonan, a down-on-
his-luck teenager, works
caddying at the snobbish
Bushwood Country Club to
help pay for his college
education. To win votes
for a college scholarship
reserved for caddies,
Noonan volunteers to
caddie for a prominent
and influential club member.
Meanwhile, while
absorbing New Age advice
from wealthy golf guru Ty
Webb, Danny struggles to
prepare for the high-
pressure Caddy Day golf tournament.

Michael O'Keefe - Danny
Ted Knight - Judge Elihu
Rodney Dangerfield - Al
Chevy Chase - Ty Webb
Bill Murray - Carl Sparkler
Sarah Holcomb - Maggie
Scott Colomby - Tony
Cindy Morgan - Lacey
Dan Resin - Dr. Beeper
Henry Wilcoxon - The Bishop
Elaine Aiken - Mrs. Noonan
Albert Salmi - Mr. Noonan
Ann Ryerson - Grace
Brian Doyle-Murray - Lou
Hamilton Mitchell -
Peter Berkrot - Angie
John F. Barmon Jr. -
Spaulding Smails
Lois Kibbee - Mrs. Smails
Brian McConnachie - Drew
Jackie Davis - Smoke

Writer/Director - Harold Ramis
Writer/Producer - Douglas
Writer - Brian Doyle-Murray
Associate Producer - Donald MacDonald
Executive Producer - Jon Peters
Casting - Wallis Nicita
Production Designer - Stan Jolley
Art Director - George Szeptycki
Set Decorators - Tom Coll and
Don K. Ivey
Director of Photography - Stevan Larner
Additional Photography - Stephen Gilbert
and James Pergola
Executives in Charge of Production - Mark Canton
and Rusty Lemorande
Second Unit Director - Ricou Browning
Supervisor of Special Effects - John Dykstra
Effects Production Supervisor - Robert Shepherd
Special Animators - Pat Brymer,
Jeffrey Burke and Grant McCune
Matte Paintings - Rocco Gioffre
Supervising Editor - David Bretherton
Editors - William C. Carruth and
Robert Barrere
Apprentice Editor - Melissa Bretherton
Sound Editor - Clive Smith
Sound Re-Recordists - Bob Minkler,
Richard Tyler and Ray West
Original Songs/Music Coordinator - Kenny Loggins
Music - Johnny Mandel
Music Production Supervisor - Bruce Botnick

During my youth, I did not get to see all of CADDYSHACK and only saw bits of the sequel on Pay-TV when it was nearly over. CADDYSHACK is said to be the best golf comedy before Happy GilmoreAdam Sandler's lowbrow comedy. Some people thought Happy Gilmore could not top the raunchiness and charm of the original 1980 movie. CADDYSHACK is outrageously funny to many viewers who grew up with its star-studded cast, and so much hilarity has ensued. The late Harold Ramis brought together a movie with comedic actors that instantly stole the spotlight and an outstanding display of versatile humour, which outweighs the plot, giving it no sense of direction. However, CADDYSHACK works better without it.

Chevy Chase was the rising star of this film as he brought his role of Ty Webb to life as the rich golf pro who doubles as a spiritual leader. Webb teaches his caddy Danny Noonan, played by Michael O'Keefe, to get into his golfing ways through his profound wisdom. Rodney Dangerfield was the other comedian new to this big movie. He had never been so funny as when he portrayed an obnoxious new Country Club member who proved more than being an uninvited guest. Bill Murray (who is not one of my favourite actors) was not yet a big star when playing an eccentric assistant groundskeeper who obsesses over killing a certain rogue gopher that ruins his golf course.

I would enjoy watching CADDYSHACK again. It's so much fun seeing the actors together as they pull out a barrel of laughs. So remember to see this film and "Be the ball." There is a sequel, but don't bother with it. It's terrible, and most of the star power from the original is gone, except for Chevy Chase.

Star rating: (10/10) Best Movie Ever

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